Tuesday, July 24, 2012


 The food that's available on the mountain is a little on the expensive side.  If you are trying to make your trip to Seo-raksan a budget-friendly one you might want to consider packing your lunch and snacks.  We weren't so well prepared, and thus were forced to cough up the inflated prices for our post-hike meal.
잘 먹었습니다!
Although expensive, this was delicious!  (Well, except for the kimchi....)

"Shaking Rock"
Since our trip to Seoraksan was not more than a one day stop and since it was scorching hot out, we weren't able to attempt any of the more treacherous hikes available on the mountain.  Instead, we decided to take it easy, and enjoy some of the more tourist-friendly features of this mountain.  Our intent is to return for a full weekend on the mountain when the weather cools off a bit.  Summertime in Korea, offers some beautiful sights, but can be downright dangerous for the unprepared hiker.  It's hot out there on the trails.  Carry plenty of water if you are tackling any hike, regardless of the difficulty, and take it slow.  

This is the largest Buddha statue that I personally have come across.    
It's definitely worth a close and careful look if you have the opportunity to see it.

 I tried to capture some of the impressive attention to detail that went into the design and construction.  (Note the cuticles on the fingernails.)  

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Seoul Hiking Group

Kim Seung Il is the founder of the Seoul Hiking Group, which is for both Koreans and foreigners living in the Seoul area.  The group is open and hits the trails almost every weekend, holiday and sometimes even during the week as well.  With Warren as a guide, foreigners can use hiking trips as an opportunity to make friends, have some fun and enjoy the many mountains making up the Korean landscape.  Warren is a vivacious leader who loves making new friends and hanging out with anyone who can keep up with him.  But don't worry if you are a beginner, there are hikes for people of all abilities.  Depending on the distance and time of the year, hikes may be large or small groups, and may require travel fees.  Some of the most popular trips have been to the Taebaek Mountain Snow Festival, Jeju Island and the Boryeong Mud Festival.
If you have just arrived in Korea, or if you have been here for a while be sure to check out the Seoul Hiking Group.  

You never know what might happen out on the trails.  You could meet your new best friend, who might introduce you to the love of your life...  Happy trails Korea!